Installation GuideThis guide will take you through the BIRT installation process. The topics included in this guide include:
Designer Install
Framework Designer Install
JDBC Drivers
Updating a BIRT Installation
Deploying to a Java EE Server
Installing BIRT Language Packs on Windows
Common Problems
Design TutorialIf you're new to BIRT, this tutorial is a good place to start. The Tutorial walks you though the steps to build a basic listing report and introduces the basic BIRT concepts. The topics include:
Creating a Report
Brief UI Tour
Building a Data Source
Building a Data Set
Building a Table
Testing Your Report
Setting Visual Properties
Setting Data Properties
Using Styles
Cascading Styles
Using a Grid
Using a Text Item
Next Steps
Integrating BIRTThis guide takes you through what you'll need to know to get started with integrating BIRT into your application. The topics include:
Viewer Setup
Viewer Usage
Using PHP
Report Scripting
Design Engine API
Report Engine API
Sample DatabaseThe BIRT sample database provides a simple set of tables and data that form the basis for BIRT sample reports. The schema is for Classic Models, a retailer of scale models of classic cars. The database contains typical business data such as customers, orders, order line items, products and so on. It was designed to illustrate many of the features of the BIRT report designer. The sections included in this guid are:
Apache Derby Version
MySQL Version
Technical ReferenceThe topics in this guide include:
Report Object Model Documentation
Report Object Model Specification Suite
BIRT Project Specifications
Building BIRTThis guide describes how to get the BIRT source and build it under Eclipse. If you simply want to use BIRT, it is easier to simply download an existing build. The topics included are:
Configuring Eclipse
Understanding the CVS Structure
Checking out Code from CVS
Checking out the Data Tools Projects
Import Additional Files
Preparing the Viewer
Running BIRT
Instructions for Running JUnit Tests